What an exciting adventure we have been on!! All the way to The North Pole!!
All dressed in our cosy, fluffy pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers we started the day by watching to the part of the film where the boy boards the train and begins his journey to the North Pole.
The children were then so excited to use their own tickets and board the Polar Express train that had come to visit us in the small hall!! They enjoyed Yummy hot chocolate and marshmallows! After singing along to the theme tune and having their photos taken, we returned to the classroom to explore adjectives linked to tasting and use adjectives to describe the feel of their pyjamas. We also talked about action words to describe how they might have travelled down the stairs after seeing the trai from their bedroom window. The children were asked to use these words in their independent writing. We as teachers were so impressed with their word choices and were really pleased that the experience had proven to inspire their imagination and influence the quality of their responses. Take a look at the photos and some examples of the awesome adjectives we collected. I’m sure you will agree that their writing was super impressive. Next week the children will complete the film and explore feeling words to suggest how the boy felt when he lost the first gift of Christmas (The bell) given by Santa. They will then meet Santa as he makes a quick visit to Year One before he begins his mammoth task of delivering presents around the world. The boy in the story receives a special surprise present under his tree on Christmas day From ‘Mr C’ I wonder if you can guess what it was? Don’t forget, only for those that believe will they hear the twinkling sound of the bell.
Merry Christmas to all that believe…
The Year One children and staff x