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Keeping Children Safe

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, every day 

Boothville Primary School fully recognises the responsibility to have in place robust arrangements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. 

What we do in school to keep your children safe: 

  • The health and safety of all children 

  • Making sure that the adults who work here have undergone safety and security checks 

  • Protecting children from deliberate harm 

  • Being an anti-bullying school 

  • Being proactive against racist behaviour 

  • Being proactive against attempts to indoctrinate children in to any form of extreme ideology 

  • Protecting our children from harassment and discrimination 

  • A positive approach to behaviour management  

  • Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions 

  • Providing first aid 

  • Protecting children from drug and substance abuse 

  • Children enjoying safe educational visits 

  • Caring for children’s personal needs 

  • Keeping children safe when using the internet and making sure they are aware of cyber bullying. 

  • Making sure our school is secure and safe 

  • Being a ‘listening school’. 

  • Ensuring the children know who to go in school if they have a problem 

If you have any concerns about any child, share these concerns with the school's Designated Safeguarding Leads.  

Miss Payne – Headteacher 

Mr Elyard – Assistant Headteacher KS2

Mrs Morgan - Assistant Headteacher KS1

Mrs Lee - Family Support Worker

Mrs Tobin - Inclusion Manager

Safeguarding Documents