Welcome to Year 4

welcome photo

In our year group, we have three classes named after books by David Walliams - Queen’s Orang-utan, Midnight Gang and Gangsta Granny. The class teachers in Year 4 are Mrs Gates, Mrs Jones and Mr Smith. Mrs Sutherland and Ms Blake are also teachers in our classes.

We are lucky to have lots of other adults working with us during the week, including: Mrs Zveaghinteva, Mrs Davies, Mrs Glenn, Mrs Calmic, Mrs Elyard, Mrs Kahn, Miss Hartwell and Mr Jackson.

If you want to get in touch then please email us.

Our class addresses
 (4GG – Mr Smith)
 (4MG – Mrs Jones)
 (4QO – Mrs Gates)

There are several learning links on this page if you are looking for homework help or online activities. We have lots of exciting learning to look forward to so keep checking back on the blog to find out what we are up to…

Hello Yellow

On Thursday 10th October, the whole school celebrated World Mental Health Day by supporting #HelloYellow and wearing yellow for the day. The aim of the day is to show young people that they’re not alone with their mental health as well as raising awareness.

The children have really enjoyed creating ‘self sooth’ boxes which they have filled with resources to help calm them down. Children have also made positive affirmation badges, happy activity cards and created decorations for the classrooms. 

The message we shared was that all feelings are ok and that we are not alone. We talked about making connections, reaching out and talking about their feelings to adults who they trust. 

We had such a fun day and hope that you enjoy some of our photos!


A Busy Start!

The Year 4 children have been busy settling in to their new classes. We began by focusing on classroom and year group routines. One of our first activities was to make a beautiful year group display decorated with hands. We have talked about ‘reaching for the stars’ and being our best every day. We have set ourselves goals for what we would like to get better at this year. 

We have also gone over the expectations for homework, reading, spellings and times tables. You should have received letters about these, as well as a welcome letter, but you can also find a copy on the Curriculum Letters section of our blog page. Our homework is based on the work we are doing in lessons.

In Maths, we have started with Number and Place Value. In Year 4, we start looking at numbers up to 10,000 in all of our work. There are many links between many of our areas of study this term. Our English writing and Geography units of work are both based on the book ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers. In Reading, we have been looking at non-fiction texts about Europe and are studying states of matter in Science. 

The children have been enjoying their lessons and working very hard. We will post more information about what we have been learning over the next few weeks. Keep checking back to see what we have been up to.
