
Welcome to Year 2

  • 2MrF Mrs Astill (teacher) and Mrs Martindale (teaching assistant)
  • 2MW Miss Clews (teacher) and Mrs Setchell (teaching assistant)
  • 2ET Mrs Morgan (teacher/ Assistant Head -Mon to Wed) and Mrs Farbon (teacher -Wed to Fri) and Mrs Rhodes (teaching assistant)
  • Other staff members – Miss Fisher, Mrs Fowler-Timms.

As we all settle into Year 2 routines, here is some important information for you to be aware of:

  • Children will enter the Year 2 indoor area independently. Doors open at 8.40am and will close at 8.50am.
  • If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, there will be a member of staff at our Year 2 door every morning. Please speak to them and we will be able to pass on messages or call on your child’s own teacher.
  • PE days are Monday and Thursday.
  • Children will need indoor and outdoor kit including plimsolls and trainers, and their house t-shirt (they are available at the office if a replacement is needed).
  • No jewellery to be worn on P.E days (including earrings, which must not be plastered or taped over).
  • Spelling tests will be on Mondays. The words to be learned will be given on a half-termly sheet. Spelling is tricky! Please do not worry if the words are challenging at first…remember practice makes progress!!!
  • Homework will be set on a Thursday and is due in on the following Wednesday. Homework should not cause anxiety, please see your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 2 teachers

Year 2 Work

Science Week 2024

This week we have been celebrating the theme of TIME while thinking about Science Week.

On Monday we completed assault courses in the hall and Miss Clews timed us all to see which class completed the course in the quickest time! All of the times are being recorded across the school and we will see who the winner is by the end of the week!

In Science lessons this week we made our very own Water Timers. You've heard of sand timers and the timers on our digital phones ?  Well, we used this technology to help us time and calibrate our own water timer to be as accurate as possible. 

Here is a video link to the Scientist who taught us how to do it. Maybe you can do this at home with supervision from an adult due the tricky cutting of a big water bottle. 

Take a look at our photos to see how we planned, carried out and recorded our invention!


The Enormous Crocodile !

We have started our next story called The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl.

We had great fun making our peg crocodiles and listening to Crocodile music while creating them.

We have lots of vocabulary ready to write our stories this week!
