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English at Boothville


Steps to Read Curriculum Coverage



SpellingBeeChildren from Years 1 to 6 are taught spelling weekly. Your child should be given focus words that are taken from the curriculum list (Common Exception Words) that they are expected to learn at home and school. The list can be found at the side for your child's year group. Your child should be able to spell most words from their year group list by the end of the academic year. There are also some ideas for making spelling fun on the section to the right.

At Boothville, we use ‘Spelling Shed’ to teach the learning of spelling. This is an educational scheme that is designed to help children improve their spelling skills and focuses on learning the spelling patterns and rules, rather than the specific words on a list. They also have an online game system, similar to Times Tables Rockstars, where children can log in, create an avatar, play Spelling games and earn points. Key Stage Two children have access to the online games with their log-ins. You can get this from your child's class teacher.

Access the online game for free on an Internet browser via this link: https://play.spellingshed.com.

There is also an option to purchase the App for £2.99 on one of the links below:

Google Devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.edshed.spellingshed&hl=en&pli=1

Apple Devices: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/spelling-shed/id1264568098