At Boothville, we believe that our pupils deserve a creative and ambitious mathematics curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for everyday life and their future journey through education. Our pupils have the opportunity to explore new concepts and build on prior learning, taking small steps to achieve greater understanding along their mathematical learning journey.
White Rose Maths
We use a Maths Mastery approach using the White Rose Maths programme. Within White Rose Maths, children broaden and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts. We aim for every child to become confident and competent in each small step objective and to be ready to face new challenges. It is important that pupils are secure in their knowledge and understanding across all mathematical areas and show resilience in their learning.
Mathematics is taught through three main types of questioning:
- Varied Fluency
- Reasoning
- Problem Solving
Children explore mathematical concepts in depth. Work is differentiated and adapted where appropriate to ensure a curriculum that is specific to each child’s learning needs. We encourage the use of manipulatives and pictorial methods to develop understanding before using concrete written methods.
Times Table Rock Stars
To support the children with their multiplication practice we use Times Table Rock Stars as an online and fun learning platform.
Times Tables Rock Stars is part of your child's weekly homework in KS2. Every pupil has a TTRockStars account to use at home and in school. Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Tournaments take place across school and within year groups so it is important that every child plays regularly.
Children can practice in the 'Garage', earn their rock status in the 'Studio' or compete against their peers in the 'Arena'. Pupils can even challenge each other to a battle in 'Rockslam' or play against children from all around the world in 'Festival' mode!
Children in KS1 have access to Numbots. This is an online game that can significantly improve the children’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts with its little and often approach.
Numbots helps children to learn and practice three core elements of arithmetic:
- Subitising - the ability instantly recognise the number of objects in a group without the need to count them
- Number bonds - pairs of numbers that add up to a certain number e.g. all the number bonds to 10.
- Adding and Subtracting
All children will benefit from using Numbots. KS2 children will progress through the early levels quickly and move on to mastering more difficult mental arithmetic. The login details are the same as the TTRS login.
NumBots is about every child completing the triple challenge of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction. This enables them to move from counting to calculating.
You will find links to Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars on the right-hand side of this page. There are other useful Maths links there too.
Mrs Gates
Maths Lead
Twitter: @Booth_Maths