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Family Support

At Boothville Primary,  Becky Lee is our Family Support Worker and one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads. She works closely with Lesley Tobin, Inclusion Manager, to support families through challenges they might be facing.

Becky can help with a range of matters and is good at listening and offering advice in a friendly and supportive way!  She can support with long or short term issues. She can help with anything from: positive parenting, boundaries and routines at home, mental wellbeing of children and families, medical issues, financial issues, housing, family breakdown, coping with bereavement, sleep difficulties and more! This support is sometimes received through an Early Help Assessment.

 Becky also works with the children offering pastoral support when a need is identified. She works closely with a variety of external agencies and can help put you in contact with a service to support you and your family further. Becky also runs a variety of parent workshops throughout the year, such as cooking classes, 1,2,3 Magic Parenting, Keeping Up the Children, service information sessions... Look out for upcoming events!

If you would like to book a time to discuss any concerns or just have a quick chat with Becky,  please contact the school office on 01604 491545  or email and she will get back to you when she can.

Useful Family Support Weblinks

Useful website links for advice on bereavement. Also, some useful books for children:

  • Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine by Diana Crosseley
  • The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers

The EHA is a simple way to help identify needs of children and families and make a plan to meet those needs. It is a shared tool which can be used by all agencies in Northamptonshire who are delivering early help. Its purpose is to provide a co-ordinated response so no-one misses out on the support they may need.

Becky Lee can provide you with any hard copy information you may want surrounding the Early Help process. It can all be found on the web link below.

You and your child/children’s health are very important and being registered with your local health services is essential in order to maintain good health. You should take your child to the GP with health concerns you may have. It is recommended that they have regular dental and optician appointments too! Once registered with these services, they will normal notify when your child might be due a check-up. School nursing team can also help with a range of issues both physical and emotionally, such as low mood, bed wetting, eating difficulties… Please contact the team directly on 0300 1111 022 option 4 or contact Becky Lee within school who can support with this

Headlice can be extremely difficult to get rid, but it is very important to stop them from spreading and prevent your child’s head become very sore. Please click on this website for some useful hints and tips on how to get rid of them.

It is really important we look after our mental health, just as much as our physical health. As adults it is important we support our children to develop emotionally and part of that is taking extra care of ourselves.

You may have already heard of CAMHS – they are Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service run through the NHS. Each county has its own CAMHS. They are a specialist service for children and young people who have severe, enduring and complex mental health difficulties. For more information on CAMHS please look at their website.

ASK Normen is a great website to access advice on mental health difficulties and discover services to support with this. It is full of lots of information for a variety of ages. Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families also has lots of support on how to talk about mental health with your child.

Hey Sigmund is a great website for some easy reading and different ideas on how to cope with things like anxiety. The articles relate to everyday life and often make you realise you are not alone.

Head Space is available online or via an app on your phone/tablet. It’s easy format follows you daily, helping you to find a clearer head space. It is available for children or adults. Might even be good to do with your child.

Sleep solutions can help families who may be finding supporting their child into a good sleep pattern really difficult. You may feel a little lost about what to do next. The service specialises in children who are having sleep difficulties due to underlining SEN. Please speak to Becky Lee if you want to know and how school could help refer you to Sleep Solutions for extra support.

Below are some useful guides and websites that help cover a variety of parenting difficulties and challenges you may face as a family.

Positive Parenting Guide is a need to know guide put together by NSPCC.

Family Lives is a useful website, offering advice and information across a variety of areas impacting a daily life

Family Lives is a useful website, offering advice and information across a variety of areas impacting a daily life

Is my child ready to be left alone? NSPCC have put a guide together of different things you should consider if you are thinking about leaving your child home alone.

The pupil premium is additional school funding for disadvantaged children, if you are in receipt of specific benefits. It is paid directly to your child's school to improve the quality of their education. School can use this money in a variety of ways to support your child's education. The child must be leaving with the person applying for this. Children in reception, year 1 and year 2 automatically get free school meals. So you need to apply for pupil premium separately. Children in year 3 and above you need to apply for free school meals.  To apply or see whether you are eligible simply click on the link below and fill out the online form. If you need any support with this, please contact Becky Lee at school, who will be happy to assist with this.