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Starting Nursery


Welcome to Boothville Nursery. We all feel very privileged to be a part of your child’s learning, and all look forward to you and your child joining us. We have 2 classes across our Nursery area named after Beatrix Potter characters – Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny. We also have a fantastic outdoor area which the children access daily.

This page will hopefully provide you with information to help your child have a smooth transition into Nursery.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any further questions.

We look forward to meeting you!

Click the section headings below to read about frequently discussed topics of interest.

What is Tapestry?

Tapestry is our online learning journal. When they join the Nursery, each child has an account set up for them. You will then be able to see your child's learning journey as they progress through Nursery. Sometimes we post whole class things to show what we have been learning, other times we will add to your child's individual journal with things they have achieved or want to show. You can also add things from home to help us build up a picture of the whole child. We love to see what they have been doing! See Tapestry Document for more information.

Helping my child to be ready for Nursery

It can be hard to predict how your child will react to attending Nursery for the first time, some children walk straight in without batting an eyelid, while others can find being separated from parent or carer a little harder to adjust to. No matter how your child responds at first, they are sure to soon settle into their new routine and will love all the new toys to play with, songs to sing and activities to get stuck into with their new friends.

While starting Nursery may seem a little daunting for your child, (and maybe for you too!) don’t worry there are plenty of ways that you can make the transition easier for everyone concerned.


What will their first day look like?

Your child will be welcomed in and shown around. They will be allocated a drawer and a coat peg, with a special picture to help them identify their space.

To support positive learning, each child will be given a hole punch card.  This is for them to collect 10 hole punches to earn a prize. When they have completed the card, this will be celebrated and taken home.

During busy learning times, the children will have access to both classrooms and the outside area. We encourage children to explore and talk about all the areas which are available to them. These areas may include messy play such as water, slime and mud.

The children are at the heart of all that we do and we are committed to ensuring that all of our children have the best possible start to their life in education. 

During the session snacks will be available. Children can pick from a piece of fruit and a drink of milk or water.

If your child is stopping for lunch, our lunch time staff will be there to ensure your child is supervised throughout lunch making it an enjoyable experience.  Children can have packed lunch (provided by parents) or hot dinners (provided by school)

At pick up time, staff will open the door once all children have collect their belongings and have sat down on the carpet. Please wait until the member of staff has called your child’s name for them to come out to you. 

Our Environment

Our building has 2 classrooms with access to the outdoor space from each one. This allows our children to be able to "free flow" between the 3 spaces during Busy Learning time.

Inside our rooms are set up to enable independent learning opportunities across the 7 areas of development. We spend time modelling how the children might use resources and how to play. Quite often they will come up with their own ideas which are even better than ours! We use the phrase "choose it, use it, put it away" which helps to encourage independence, creativity and respect. We are very lucky to have 2 role play areas in our Nursery. The first is a home corner to support sharing personal experiences and the second will change regularly to support in teaching new environments.

Outside our area is also set up to enable learning opportunities across the 7 areas but on a larger scale. There is space to develop gross motor skills, explore with sand and water, create in the mud kitchen, roleplay and construct.

What to bring each day

Children will need a lunchbox if they are having a packed lunch, a bag of spare clothes and shoes incase of any accidents or too much messy play, nappies, nappy bags and wipes, suitable clothing for the weather for example a coat or sun hat, and suitable shoes, a bottle of water to drink from during the day and   a bag they can use to bring home all their amazing work.

Terms and Conditions

Click here to view our Nursery Terms and Conditions

Starting Nursery Documents