
Whipsnade Zoo Trip Day!

 On Wednesday Year 1 spent the day at Whipsnade Zoo! We were very glad for the beautiful sunny weather and were very excited and chatty for the whole coach journey there. When we arrived at 9.45 some of us were already asking about lunch! We had some time walking around the zoo seeing many wonderful and interesting animals. We listened to some keepers sharing facts and asked lots of great questions. We made sure to make plenty of stops for snacks, drinks and more importantly LUNCH! We found a lovely spot on the grass in the sunshine to enjoy a picnic together before setting off around the zoo once more. 

We were amazed seeing tropical butterflies flutter past our faces, giraffes towering over us and even some cheeky lemurs jumping over our heads! A fantastic day was had by all and it was certainly a day that we won't forget in a hurry. Although the day was brilliant it was also exhausting and some of us didn't quite make it to our beds but instead had a little nap on the way home!
