
Welcome to Year 1

The teachers in Year One this Year are Mrs McTeggart, Miss Smith, Miss Shefford and Mrs Redding.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Willmer, Mrs Wilson (HLTA), Mrs Brown and Miss Bazeley.

Our 1:1 learning support assistants are Mrs C Shortt and Mrs Mel Bratu.

In the morning there is always a member of staff to greet the children on the door and if you have any queries then that member of staff will endeavour to address the concern so that they it be dealt with promptly. If you require a more lengthy discussion then please make an appointment with your teacher via your class e-mail or by contacting the school office.

Each term the theme of learning changes and you will receive a topic talk booklet to help you support your child’s learning at home.

Reading is the key to success in Year 1!!! Read! Read! Read! The children will be part of a comprehensive phonics scheme that will support and help them to embrace the phonics screening check at the end of year 1 with confidence. Reading at home is essential to enhance and consolidate the learning in school. Books are changed twice weekly and as an incentive the children are entered in to a book draw when they have read each week. This enables them to win a book of their choice to enjoy and keep at home as a reward for star reading!

The children will bring home a card with their ‘Focus 4’ spellings listed on for them to practise until they feel ready to bring them back to school to be tested. Personal targets will be made for each child and they will receive rewards for their efforts. Testing sessions will be completed on a Tuesday afternoon. These words are part of the Year One learning programme and this strategy will inevitably help the children to retain spelling patterns/ word shapes and apply them independently during writing tasks.

Every learning experience is carefully planned to be inspirational, exciting and fun!

Watch your child learn the skills to become an Explorer, Scientist, Artist, Designer, Mathematician, Historian, Author, Technology expert, Sports professional or whatever their life choices may be.

Inuit Adventure!

We have really enjoyed reading the story "Snow Bear". We have been looking at life in an Inuit community. The Inuit girl in the story is fishing and we were excited to find out more about everyday life. We explored fishing, building an igloo, soap stone carving and reading fascinating facts to build on our knowledge and understanding! We were even lucky enough to have some snow to play in on the day! What are the chances?! Take a look at the fun we had in the photos below!


Lest we forget...

We have been discussing the reason we wear poppies in Year 1 this week. We spent some time thinking about how grateful and lucky we are that we are that there is peace where we live and that we know that we are safe from war. We also considered how brave the soldiers were that fought and still fight to protect us and our freedom. We made some beautiful poppy pictures to remind us of this.
