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Welcome to Year 5

In Year 5, all of our classes are named after JK Rowling’s Harry Potter characters. Miss Cardwell’s class is Dobby (5DB), Mrs Mason’s class is Hedwig (5HW) and Mr Elyard and Mrs Freeman’s class is Dumbledore (5DD). We also have Mrs Kiloh-Munns, Mrs Javed, Mrs Calmic and Mr Riley working in our year group to help support our learning.

Our blog will become a digital scrap book of our time in school so make sure that you keep checking it.

The Year 5 Team 

Some important information for you:
PE days – Tuesday and Wednesday
Library day – Tuesday (during school hours only)
Optional homework – Presented in class and house points awarded on Wednesday

Challenging reads for Y5 children

We have been looking at some challenging texts for the children to aspire to. Why not have a look at the link to the right to see the types of books we recommend. 

We don’t always have all these books in the school library but it could be something to look for the next time you are in a town library. Remember children can reserve/order books at the library for free. 

The Year 5 team.

Young Leaders and Rollercoasters

30 of our children started their training as young leaders. They will be leading activities across the school at lunch and break times. They will complete their training in a couple of weeks. 

While they were doing their training we had a lot of children designing and making Desk Rollercoasters, looking at acceleration and gravity. Lots of fun was had by everyone. 
