
Welcome to Year 3

the jungle book image for blog intro

In our year group, we have three classes named after characters from The Jungle Book story – Mowgli, Baloo and Bagheera.

The class teachers in Year 3 are Miss Fitzpatrick, Miss Garner and Miss Smith.

We are so lucky to have lots of other adults working with us, including: Mrs Kahn, Mrs Tarry, Mr Jackson, Mrs Glenn, Mrs Pell and Miss Gjinaj.

If you would like to get in touch, please email our class email addresses:

 (3MG - Miss Fitzpatrick)
 (3BL - Miss Garner)
 (3BG - Miss Smith)

There are several learning links on this page if you are looking for homework help or online activities. We have lots of exciting learning to look forward to so keep checking back on the blog to find out what we are up to in Year 3.

Delicious & Tasty DT!

We have been learning a lot about nutrition and how we can have a healthy balanced diet in Science Lessons. The children have been investigating the foods they eat and learning about the nutritional value of foods. We have linked our learning in Science to our DT experience this term where we have explored seasonal foods and nutrition when cooking.

All children in Year 3 have created their own seasonal tart recipe, used food as an inspiration to create healthy food plates and a creative food collage. But more excitingly, all children in Year 3 have shown responsibility during their cooking lessons by developing their peeling and cutting skills in order to create their own seasonal tart. The children tasted a range of seasonal foods, prepared their selected ingredients and used these to make their own delicious seasonal tart, which they got to bring home and share with their family.

We have had some delicious times in Year 3 and some children have expressed a keen interest in learning more about cooking and preparing meals with their family at home.



Nutrition Learning in Science

In Science this term we have been learning about making healthier choices when eating. We have learned about the Eatwell Plate and the nutritional value we can get from the different food groups that we include in our daily diet.


We have carried out investigations to find the nutritional value of the foods we eat and investigated food labels. We learned how a Traffic Light system has been introduced to food packaging which gives us key information about the sugars, fats, salts and the energy our food provides. We have also explored the advice provided by the NHS about making healthier choices and used the FOOD SCANNER App (Free App) to check the sugar contents in different foods. We found it interesting to compare foods and were surprised by some of the hidden contents in the different foods we eat.

Please download the FOOD SCANNER App to help your child continue learning about the nutritional value of the foods they eat and have a look at the NHS website for further information.

Visit the NHS Website